Recently fought a game at the Honiton Wargames Club. With less than three hours playing time, I wanted a scenario which had a chance of being completed. During the period 1485 to 1517 the Ottoman and Mamluk empires were at each others throats for control of much of the middle-east. Our scenario comprised a fortified town, with a ruler having informed both sides of his fidelity but also his inability to take an active part in the war. Accordingly, both empires dispatched a cavalry force, with baggage train, to secure their position. At this point I should admit my Mamluks were drawn from my Granadine, Almorhad, and Asiatic Turks. The distinction to this game was both sides fielding about 65 cavalry, of various quality and armour. Two units on each side were granted the right to use their composite bows.

Victory conditions comprised the slaying of a commander, the destruction of the enemies baggage train, and/or the board area under your control at the conclusion of the game at 10pm. The rules worked brilliantly and, I believe, were quite accurate in their results. The Mamluks had initial successes, the Asiatic sipahi being no match for the Mamluks. But a turnabout took place when some 16 Mamluks and 6 Arab light horse attempted to charge near double their number, including the elite Suvarileri and Silahtars, and were beaten in the melee. Only 9 survived and understandably routed off the field. Although the Household Mamluks continued a steady advance against all that sought to oppose them, they even brought down by bow three enemy pack animals. Their slow advance allowed the Ottomans to secure the game by land grabbing just before the agreed end of time.
This was a successful cavalry action enjoyed by all participants. As a footnote, the local Emir welcomed in the Ottomans, but unfortunately died the night following when he accidentally became entangled in his ornamental curtain tassels. MGB
Great looking game, where did the dome come from?
Hi Stu, sorry, not much help, bought it about 15 years ago from a company clearing discontinued lines. Just a thought, see if you can pick up garden finials for fences etc? Made the top ornament from milliput and commercial beads.